Ricerca nella scheda BIBLIOGRAFIA

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Sono stati trovati piu' di 100 documenti. Totale documenti trovati: 4835.
Nominativo AutoriAnnoTitoloDownload
KOROMYSLOVA A.V.2014Three species of Cheethamia Shaw, 1967 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the Maastrichtian of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
KUKLINSKI P., BALAZY P., NOWAK M., BIELECKA L.2014Factors controlling initial development of Polar bryozoan assemblages.
LÖRZ A.-N., MYERS A., GORDON D.P.2014An inquiline deep-water bryozoan/amphipod association from New Zealand, including the description of a new genus and species of Chevaliidae.
LINNEMAN J., PAULUS D., LIM-FONG G., LOPANIK NB.2014Latitudinal Variation of a Defensive Symbiosis in the Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) Sibling Species Complex.
MA J-Y., TAYLOR P.D., FENG-SHENG X.2014New observations on the skeletons of the earliest bryozoans from the Fenhsiang Formation (Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician), Yichang, China.
MALTSEVA A.L., KOTENKO O.N., SHABALIN K.A., SHAVARDA A.L., WINSON M.K., OSTROVSKY A.N.2014Novel brominated fungicidal alkaloid isolated from the marine bryozoan Chartella membranaceatruncata (Smitt, 1868).
MARTHA S.O.2014Things we lost in the fire: the rediscovery of type material from Ehrhard Voigt's early publications (1923-1942) and the bryozoan collection of Hermann Brandes.
MARTHA S.O., TAYLOR P.D., MATSUYAMA K., SCHOLZ J.2014A brief history of misidentification and missing links: the Jurassic cyclostome Kololophos Gregory, 1896 and a new genus from the Cretaceous.
MATSUYAMA K., JANSSEN A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU P., MARTHA S.O., FREIWALD A.2014Bryozoans from RV Sonne deep-sea cruises SO 167 'Louisville' and SO 205 'Mangan'.
NOWAK M., KUKLINSKI P., SICINSKI J.2014Small-scale biomass variability of Antarctic bryozoans.
OLEMPSKA E., RAKOWICZ L.2014Affinities of Palaeozoic encrusting ascodictyid 'pseudobryozoans'.
OSTROVSKAYA X., OSTROVSKY A.2014The earliest colour image of Bryozoa.
PABIS K., HARA U., PRESLER P., SICINSKI J.2014Structure of bryozoan communities in an Antarctic glacial fjord (Admiralty Bay, South Shetlands).
POPOV I.Yu., OSTROVSKY A.N.2014Survival and extinction of the southern populations of freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in Russia (Leningradskaya and Novgorodskaya oblast).
RAGAZZOLA F., TAYLOR P.D., BAZZICALUPO P., OKAMURA B., SCHMIDT D.N.2014A new species of the cheilostome bryozoan Chiastosella in the Southern Ocean, past and present.
RAMALHO LAIS V., TAYLOR P.D., MURICY G.2014New records of Catenicella de Blainville, 1830 (Catenicellidae: Cheilostomata: Ascophora) in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
REID C.2014Growth and calcification rates in polar bryozoans from the Permian of Tasmania, Australia.
REVERTER-GIL O., SOUTO J., FERNANDEZ-PULPEIRO E.2014Annotated checklist of Recent marine Bryozoa from continental Portugal.
ROSSO A., JACKSON WYSE P.N., PORTER J. (a cura di)2014Bryozoan studies 2013. 16th International Conference of the International Bryozoological Association.
ROSSO A., SANFILIPPO R., SCIUTO F.2014Open-shelf, soft-bottom bryozoans from the Ciclopi Marine Protected Area (E Sicily, Mediterranean).

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